Thursday 31 May 2012

Press Night down!!


I seriously can't believe I haven't blogged since the second week of rehearsals. I have been so ridiculously busy with rehearsals that I just haven't really had the time to sit down and write a proper blog (the beautiful weather didn't exactly help my cause).

Anyway, as you might have guessed from the title, we have leaped over the Press Night hurdle at long last! Can't quite believe it but we did it. The really scary part for the guys is out of the way and now, as far as the understudies are concerned, the real work starts. so while Jodie and Chris et al are taking well-deserved lie in, we are in the theatre bright and early ready to get cracking with understudy rehearsals. I cannot wait! 

Miraculously, we're on the Olivier Stage first thing today, which is fantastic, as ordinarily we would be in a rehearsal room so we're very lucky!
I'm rather proud of myself actually, because as last night was Press Night, I could easily have gone down the route of getting absolutely hammered and then turning up this morning looking grey and in need of a fry up! However, I only had 2 beers and spent the evening chatting with friends, my agent, the cast and some industry people. H came, naturally and my best friend. It was so, so lovely to have their support on such a big night. They were, typically, the first people I saw when I came on stage. My first entrance is while the audience is still piling in and so the house lights are still up. I had to tear my eyes away from them, suppress the urge to wave and go "Look! I'm on the Olivier!" and remember I'm a consummate professional! 

Well I shall blog a bit later today as now that I have a fair amount to do in terms of rehearsal, there'll be lots to say!

Until then xxxx