Sunday 17 February 2013

2013 is going to be a great year!

Hey everyone!!


This weekend has been a very good one indeed. As it says above (and in pink), I won a place in the competition I talked about in my last blog and couldn't be happier. I was so convinced it wouldn't happen - I even dreamt that I didn't get it on Friday night so I had subconsciously prepared myself for the worst. When I woke up, I was in a bit of a crappy mood and as is the norm, I reached over to check my phone. As I was scrolling though tweets, facebooks and emails, I was saying to Harry "I know I haven't got it, but it's ok, it's ok. Something will come up, I'm sure..." and that's when I saw the email from Miranda telling me I'd won a place. In the following order, I screamed, burst into tears, rugby tackled H and laughed like a madwoman.


I am so excited for what 2013 is going to bring me. The last few weeks were getting me down massively because I haven't worked for a while, nor have any auditions come my way and this time last year, I was having the best time of my professional career doing Bloody Poetry. I think about doing that play and it aches that I'm not doing it now. The kind of chemistry that job produced was very rare and will be hard to replicate many more times in my career. So the fact that I've got Future Stars to throw myself into is so exciting and something for me to pour a creative outlet in to and I can't wait.

I'll be b/vlogging about everything, so I hope you'll join me on what promises to be an awesome year! 
