Monday 27 February 2012

The End Of The Road...

Hello to my gorgeous, lovely followers!

Well, we came down on Saturday 25th February 2012. And it was a date to remember! The last 3 shows were absolutely brilliant and we were all incredibly emotional by the end of it.

I'd had some end of production gifts made for the rest of the cast and decided to give them before the matinee on Saturday rather than the evening performance. It was a photo of the 6 of us from Press Night in a small frame and on the back was written "Bloody Poetry Press Night 2012" and one of Byron's quotes from the play: "I begin to enjoy myself greatly with you lunatics". It made some people well up and others burst out laughing but then we all had a huge group cuddle (some people were halfway through changing so it was a semi-naked cuddle) and gave everything we had to the last 2 shows. 

Here's a picture taken in the interval during the last show:

(Secretly we're weeping on the inside...)

The last week of "Bloody Poetry" was practically sold out, was fantastic morale. It was a great book end to what we all agree is possibly one of, if not, THE best job any of us have had in a very long time. And on Friday, somehow, H managed to get himself a ticket and surprise me. It was the 3rd time he'd seen it - you couldn't get a more supportive boyfriend!

While I'm incredibly sad it ended, that lovely saying comes to mind:

"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened."

Which is exactly what I shall do, because I know I've made friends for life and that makes me feel incredibly warm inside!

Most of Saturday night after the show was spent in a lovely little West End pub called The Captain's Cabin and after that we moved on to a club in Soho called Freedom, which was great fun! We were dancing for what felt like hours - H accompanied us - and I remember laughing a lot! 

After finally stumbling in at around half 5, I fell into a deep sleep very content and happy :)

Saturday night would've been incredibly depressing had we not had a cast meal arranged for Sunday night (last night). We went to our director's house and he'd cooked an amazing meal! We had lovely, melt-in-your-mouth ham and roasted vegetables with red cabbage, and for dessert, apple and cinnamon crumble. Yum-my. I think at one point, one of our lot had us in hysterics by remarking "I think it's really nice to see a spice used as a predominant ingredient". It doesn't sound funny when typing it, but it was probably a "you had to be there" situation. Trust me. Hilarious.

So that's the end of my "Bloody Poetry" journey for now, but as I said before, these people haven't just been my colleagues, they've turned out to be my friends and I am truly, truly chuffed about it. 

I'll update the blog as and when things happen career-wise, but for now, thank you all so much for coming on the ride with me! It's been a blast :)

Lots of love xxx

Thursday 9 February 2012

Long time no speak!!

Hello lovely, loyal followers!!

A huge apology that I've not written in an absolute age! This last week or 2 has been absolutely crazy what with going up and all. There's been so much to think about and do.

We went up officially last Friday and it was brilliant! So much fun! Here's a pic of us all at the after-show party:

(From l-r: Nick Trumble; Rhiannon Sommers; David Sturzaker: me; Joe Bannister; Joanna Christie)

These are the guys that I've been spending the last month and a half with and have become a second family. I love them to absolute bits and am having the time of my life working with them all.

All in all, so far, our reviews have been really positive. Here's some links to the reviews:

As you can see, it's all pretty good so if any of you would like to come and see, please do - it'd be brilliant! I do not want this journey to end.
