Tuesday 17 April 2012

17th April

Hey guys!

Hope everyone's had a good Tuesday :) Mine was pretty good too...

At present, I'm being a bit of a chav and watching Made In Chelsea after having had a slightly piggy dinner of spicy chorizo pasta - nom nom nom!!

Today was a pretty standard day in rehearsals. We started off by doing some warm-ups, which included the dreaded CIRCUIT TRAINING!!! Eeeshk. I think we all came in this morning praying for no circuit training but it just wasn't meant to be. Having said that though, we all felt miles better for it - refreshed and wide awake. Which was a nice feeling seeing as the weather this morning was absolutely gross and walking across Embankment Bridge was bloody horrendous, with the rain face whipping you every second. Grim.

After the dreaded CIRCUIT TRAINING (yes, that's right, it's capital letters worthy), we tried to get the uniting done and we so nearly finished before lunch - we had one more page left - but I think everyone's hunger got the better of them and we weren't really agreeing on certain things, so Polly thought it best to break for lunch and come back to it after, which worked a treat. After lunch, we finished the last page and a bit in 15 minutes.

Once uniting was done with, we read through the whole play again for Ben Power, who is the Associate Director of the NT. At one point during the read, I got a searing pain in my head and had to go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. It bloody hurt!! Ben seemed to really enjoy the read, which was great. And after having united everything, all the intentions seemed a lot clearer and made more sense. Even though I don't have any lines unless I'm covering Anitgone, I love listening to people as it's an opportunity to learn a hell of a lot.

We finished the read through and got a well deserved cup of tea! After this, Polly set us a task, about which I will go into more detail another time because it's not completed yet and I want to be able to tell you about it properly. The last thing we did before finishing for the day was show some of our research. Only the two of us did it today. Tim's research product was about surveillance in the Stasi (the Military for State Security in Germany) and mine was a woman's role in Ancient Greece. Both went really well, and Tim's project was particularly interesting.

Well, that's all folks! That was all the fun we had today. Tomorrow night I'm going to an art show of H's flatmate's. His entire debut collection has just been bought up by Charles Saatchi, which is a-mazing, so we're going to support him. We probs won't get home till fairly late but if I can, I'll blog, and if not, I'll be sure to do it Thursday! 

Love love love, fnar fnar fnar (specifically for theemi1y xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Huzzah for finishing uniting!! When you rehearse for Antigone (as in that character not the whole play) are you gonna do it the same as Jodie or are you gonna do your own thing? I know sometimes directors just want you to pretend you're the actor who was cast instead of trying to create your own character within the play.

    Ooooh look you have a clicky name on the NT site now, awesome! I did not know you were in Dangerfield?!

    Em x
