Thursday 12 April 2012

Day #3

Hello hello hello lovely people!

First of all, I just want to say a huge thank you to those of you who read my last two blogs - I was a bit overwhelmed by the response I got so thanks, sincerely.

Right! Today was mainly about going through the script some more. However, the first thing we did this morning was a voice session in the Olivier Theatre (or "the Olly" as it's known at the NT), which is the theatre we will be performing in, in a little under 6 weeks! This is the view from the stage:

I couldn't quite get far back enough (due to "She Stoops To Conquer"'s set being on stage) to take a proper pic so here's one from the side which gives you a better idea:

It's absolutely massive! I believe it seats something like 1600 - gulp. This last photo is taken from a side set of seats (you can see an identical one on the other side). 

The voice lesson was fantastic, we did all kinds of exercises and my voice felt a heck of a lot better for having done it. After the lesson, we went back in to the rehearsal room and carried on uniting the script like we were doing yesterday. This is a pic of our work station:

Those are my scruffy bags you can see under one of the tables! At some point over the next few weeks, I'll get a proper pic of the rehearsal room. It's massive so as to accommodate the Olivier space so hopefully I'll get my camera in rather than just my crappy phone!

After lunch, we did a bit of movement, but nothing like the circuit training we did yesterday. With it being straight after lunch, I'm pretty sure a few of us would have up-chucked! We played a few games, a few concentration exercises etc. It loosened us up and got us ready for the rest of the afternoon which was spent uniting. 

Near the end of the day, we made a timeline of the immediate circumstances leading up to the beginning of the play, so what happened in the hours before the play starts. This is again a fantastic directing technique and really helps set the scene and get you in character.

Tomorrow, we're all going to Winston Churchill's War Rooms on a little field trip. What with our set being a War Room-esque type design, it'll be really interesting and helpful. I've got my camera on charge so will try & get some photos to show you over the weekend!

Hope you've all had a good Thursday and again, thank you so much to anyone who is reading, enjoying, recommending and RT-ing my blog. It means so, so much!


1 comment:

  1. Ooooh I look forward to the War Rom pics if you can get any :)
    It's so great to see a performance take shape from an actor's perspective but still as an outsider, if that makes sense? I mean, I'm used to either being in the production or just an audience member on the night. This way is very interesting indeed, so thank you! :)
    Em x
