Tuesday 10 April 2012

New job, new blog...


Well, as the title suggests, I have acquired a new acting job, which means a whole new set of blogs recording the rehearsal process and the run itself.

This time, the play I'm doing is "Antigone", a Greek tragedy by Sophocles. It's set BC but we're going to jazz it up a bit and set it post-WW1 but with a hint of it still wafting about. The part I'm playing is Ensemble which is basically background - but important nonetheless. I am also getting the chance to understudy Antigone!! The lead bloody role!! And not only am I understudying the lovely Jodie Whittaker, who is playing Antigone, I get to do it at the Royal National Theatre in London. It's like the Holy Grail for actors and huge, huge deal. I couldn't be more excited to tell the truth!

This will be my home for the next 3 months:

Yes, that's me outside the National theatre, looking pleased as punch with myself. I really am so chuffed. It was something we used to joke about at drama school - "oh yah when I'm at the Nash, chuff chuff". And now I am, it's a bit surreal to be honest!!

So today was day 1, and even though I thought I was going to be late, I was ok and got there in the nick of time! We started by doing some name games and getting to know eachother exercises - there's a heck of a lot of us (though only 5 girls which is nice!!). Then we had a look at the set, which is AWESOME!! It's so cool, and because it's in the biggest theatre at the NT, it's huge. As I said before, our director Polly is going for a sort of post-WW1 thing with a splash of modernity, so if anyone's been to the Winston Chuchill War Rooms Museum, you'll have an idea of what I mean. We broke for lunch and the girls and I ate in the canteen specifically for NT staff members - which was a bit of a thrill!! I then bumped into a friend from drama school who turns out is doing a play at the NT too! Very small world...

After lunch, we read the script and then had a talk with various staff members from the NT - including a health and safety talk. Then it was up to costume for costume fittings. None of us really know the kind of thing we'll be wearing, but I'm jolly excited to find out!

I managed to grab a picture outside our rehearsal room before we finished.

Well, I'm totally shattered now so have to hit the sack!! Night all xxx

1 comment:

  1. Aha! Hey it's Em from twitter. Now I'm on blogger too so I can comment and things :)

    I love reading your blog, the enthusiasm you have for things just leaps out at me and makes me feel really warm :) You're a very sweet person.

    It's so great you're gonna play NT! I know what you mean about the 'staff only' parts, to an extent. Those first few days of rehearsal where you get to walk around and you still feel a little bit like 'you're not allowed here' and you get such an awesome feeling when you're like 'actually, I am.'

    Gah, I'm ranting! Anyway, yes, I'm so happy for you! How long is it going to run?

    Em x
