Friday 13 January 2012

12th Jan

Happy Friday everyone!

I'm just going to quickly blog about yesterday as it was a very quick session & my dinner's nearly ready :)

I was in first thing to do a quick costume fitting. We had a chat with the costume lady, Emily, and what they have in store for Harriet is AMAZING. Well, I think it is anyway. Because what they could have done is not really bother too much with Harriet as she's not necessarily the focal point of the play but NO!!! What Emily's thinking is A to the WESOME. I'm so so excited! When I learn more, I'll fill you in, so I guess you'll just have to keep checking these blogs... :)

I then had a small rehearsal of my big scene late-afternoon, which went really well. I'd worked on it a fair bit which my director commented on - it's always nice when work you do is recognised, and I want this to be brilliant so am making sure I'm working my little tush off (ok not that little, but ya get me!). 

Aaaaaanyway, I'm gonna skidaddle now because I can smell my dinner wafting in from the other room (maybe H has put the plate infront of a small fan in the direction of the living room as a hint...?). 

Have an awesome weekend lovely, blog-reading people. And please do keep spreading the word about it, I'm really chuffed with the reception so far. Keep it coming!

Lots of love xxx 

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