Monday 16 January 2012

Eeeek!! 2 weeks today!

Another weekend that went by far too quickly! Hope you all had a lovely one :) For my part, I spent it working & falling asleep on H infront of the TV, a trait that's bound to become tiresome v soon if it hasn't already...

So! As the title of this new blog suggests, it is indeed two weeks today until Bloody Poetry opens! Which is an absolutely terrifying prospect, not because it isn't ready yet (I mean it isn't, but it deffo will be) but because of how quickly these last 2 weeks have gone by. They've zooooomed, I tell ya, zooooooooooooomed!! As well as being pretty nervous, I'm also incredibly excited. 

We did a sort of stop and start run of Act 2 today and it looks GREAT! I know that sounds incredibly optimistic but it's true. It makes sense, it flows beautifully and it's funny as well as really sad. Everyone's putting so much in to it that it can't help but be a brilliant end product.

I re-did my monologue again today in front of some of the cast - and it was received really well. They said it was really frightening which is great, because if I'm honest, I want to scare the bejeezus out of the audience! 

I'm just having such a brilliant time with these people and can't wait to get it properly on it's feet so we can take a step back and think "yeah, this is awesome. Go us!". 

I hope those of you that want to come have booked your tickets or at least will do so this week! It's cheaper before Friday remember!

I'm in every day this week so will try to blog every day about what went on in the rehearsal room. I'll also try and get a picture up of our rehearsal room as it is at the moment, with the floor mark-up etc.

Lots of love xxx

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