Tuesday 3 January 2012

Day #2

So, Day 2 of rehearsals are over and it was great!

We started at 10.30am, which is when we'll be starting pretty much every day. It's really easy to get to from where I live and even easier from H's house so piece o' cake!

At the moment, we're in the "dissecting" part of rehearsals, which makes sense seeing as we only began yesterday! What happens is, we sit around a table and go through the script bit by bit and then go back over that bit, take it apart and talk about it. With a play like Bloody Poetry, it's essential to do that. The plot isn't confusing or anything, but there's so much history and information in it, if we don't know what's going on, we can't exactly expect the audience to!

To give you an example, here is a diagram of all the different kinds of relationships within the play:

Sorry the lines are a bit squiggly, I don't have the most steady hand!!

And Claire Clairemont was Mary Shelley's half-sister. This was her:

So that's just an example of everything we're talking about, and then there are loads of other people to consider who stuck their nose (and various other parts of their body) in!

At one point today, we just went "what was wrong with them all?!?!?". Seriously, no one today would put up with the crap they used to dish out to each other. Unbelievable!

Hopefully we'll start getting it on it's feet next week, but until then, I'm really enjoying just going through it all.

I'm going to try and post a picture of our rehearsal room sometime this week so you can see where it all comes together!

Night night :) xxx

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