Monday 30 January 2012

First Day In The Theatre

Greetings everyone from a very excited actress!!

I am unbelievably excited about this production and got even more so when I walked into the theatre this afternoon and saw that the set was up, the lighting was being rigged and the desk for mixing the sound and lighting was set up in order for the Technical Rehearsal to take place.

I didn't end up rehearsing today, but we did get our dressing rooms (boys V. girls) and ours has zebra print tables which are very nice indeed! I shall endeavour to post a picture later on this week.

Look at what greeted me when I got to the theatre:

If you look super closely at the poster - that's my name on it! That made me super happy :)

A lot of the time, techs can be quite laborious and time-consuming, and while they are definitely the latter (think everyone is finishing around 10pm tonight having started at 1pm - some much earlier), it doesn't feel laborious because everyone seems to be having such a good time.

For those of you who don't know, a tech rehearsal is to fix the lighting and sound in place before we do a dress run (which is doing a full run of the play with complete make-up, hair, costume, sound, lighting, set etc. without stopping). The dress run is due to take place on Wednesday afternoon, on the day we go up!! 

I should be doing my bits tomorrow and am very much looking forward to putting on my costume! Depending on how my make-up and hair goes, I'll put up a picture - want you to get the full experience, so if it's a bit shoddy tomorrow, I'll leave it till Wednesday!

One of the best things about today, was the fact that every cast member and Tom brought in some home-baked goods. I didn't however, because like a pillock, I forgot. But I will!! Those were some good home-bakes!! Yummy yummy yummy.

Here's a cheeky little pic of the stage:

In this photo is Joe (Shelley) and Rhiannon (Mary) sitting next to our lovely SM (Stage Manager). That strip of light at the back is known as "West Brook". I'll break it down for you: Harriet's last name was Westbrook and she drowned herself in the Serpentine River. So for the majority of the play, we will allude to her link with water using that back part of the stage. So we "cleverly" renamed it "West Brook", like a watery brook... Geddit...? Clever ain't we?

Anywho my luvvlies, I have one long arse day tomorrow (10am-10pm) and will no doubt be throwing myself about the stage so need to get some shut eye. Poor H, supposed to have a quiet night to himself tomorrow but I've ambushed it because getting back to mine from his adds nearly an hour on to my journey and I need to get into bed asap!! Bless him, he's such a good'un!

I'll speak to you all tmrw!! 

Lots of love xxx

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