Friday 20 January 2012

It's Friiiiiiday!!!

Yep, it's that time of the week peeps - Friday time, or as we have nicknamed it in rehearsals Funday! We're crazy that way...

Today we did a run for the first time and it was AWESOME. We were so proud of it. It needs a lot of work, yes and is about 3/4 way there, but it's in such a good place, we can't help but feel 100% positive about it. 

As promised, here's a pic of the rehearsal room:

The little lines on the floor is the mark-up of our stage and that's our various bits of crap strewn over the chairs at the back. It was much neater this morning, but I took this as we finished at 5pm so it had got a little messy by then!

And here is a pic of our (very many) prop cases:

There are absolutely loads of these bloody things, which while incredibly useful to keep props in & use as carriages etc., they all look fairly similar so it's quite hard to remember what is in which box. Saying that, I don't have to do any of the prop-ing so it doesn't really affect me... :-s But the others are awesome at knowing what they're doing - give me too much to do, and it fries my tiny brain!

Both Howard and Tom (writer and director respectively) seemed really, really pleased with the run which just affirmed how we felt about it. There were only a couple of lines forgotten, which considering how long and wordy the play is, isn't bad going! We get our notes on Monday and according to Tom, it's going to be a week of running it and working the notes into the runs so we really get used to the flow of things. Can't believe that in a week tomorrow, we'll be in the theatre teching!! 

I shall let you know on Monday what the notes were like!


PS: We all went out for cast drinks for the first time (when we were all present) this eve. We went to a really awesome Tiki bar which had 2 cocktails for £7.50. Lovely jubbly.

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